Testimonials of innovation and commitment to quality.
Ph: 989-832-0600
Fax: 989-832-0604 info@tricitygroundbreakers.com
Small Business Association of Michigan
November 2020
SBAM interviews Tri-City Groundbreakers Owner, John Schmidt. Hear how John first broke into the heavy construction industry and how TCGB utilizes the latest technology to stay competitive today.
HCSS HeavyBid
October 2020
HCSS HeavyBid shares the power of HeavyBid to streamline the bidding process and tells how Tri-City Groundbreakers invested early in its history. Discover how TCGB continues to use the latest processes to maximize efficiency.
Continental Equipment Company
November 2019
CEC highlights how “Adoption of technology and attention to detail fuel growth for Midland company.” Learn how Tri-City Groundbreakers grew through the use of the latest accounting software, Komatsu intelligent Machine Control, and GPS-integrated worksites.
Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association
Winter 2019
MITA features our Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor job on the cover of their winter 2019 issue and includes a brief history and member profile on Tri-City Groundbreakers.
our story
Interested in how we got to this point? From a unspoken dream to a company-wide reality– here is our story.
lean construction
Discover how the legendary Toyota Production System applies to the construction industry of today.
Interested in joining a fast-growing team? Explore the variety of opportunities open to you!